About Majlis-e-ilmee Society(M-I-S)

The Karachi Institute of Management and Sciences (KIMS) is an Independent body working under the able guidance of Majlis-e-illmee Society.The Society since its inception in April 2004 has been working for promoting education and literacy in Pakistan. This Society is a registered entity (KAR No.060-2004) under Societies Act XX1 of 1 861 .All the Affairs of the management of the Society are based on the Islamic Concept of Consensus (Shura).The Board of Directors comprises of eminent sharia Scholars and professional Managers.In the Struggle to create opportunities of learning for all Walks Of Life, the Society so far has created following institutions:
The Karachi Institute of Management and Sciences (KIMS).
Al-Beruni Model high School (Registered) for Boys
Al-Beruni Model high School (Registered) for Girls
Al-Beruni Intermediate College. (Registered).